Last of our pictures for our June outing. Sadly our camera lens was acting up and of the 800 photos we took only about 50 were half decent.
One set of pictures that didn't turn out was of a Yellow Headed Blackbird doing its courtship ritual, taken in good light at a distance of about 20 feet. We took about 30 photos and not one of them was usable.
Barn Swallow |
Black Crowned Night Heron |
Blue Winged Teal |
Blue Winged Teal |
Double Crested Cormorants |
Eastern Kingbird |
Eared Grebe |
Northern Pintail |
Red Necked Grebe |
Ruddy Duck |
Savannah Sparrow |
Western Meadow Lark with nesting material |
White Faced Ibis |
White Faced Ibis |