Saturday, 30 July 2016

Birds and Scenery - 2016

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole Immature 

Boating at Fort Whyte

Brown Thrasher trying to scare off a Grackle

Grackle wins

Cackling Goose

Common Grackle

Eastern Kingbird


Greater Yellow Legs - Gadwall - Kildeer

House Finch

Mourning Dove 


Pied Billed Grebe

Red Winged Blackbird

Ruddy Duck

Ruddy Duck

Sail Boats at Rest

Savannah Sparrow

Thatching Ants

Friday, 22 July 2016

Spring Duck Migration and some Summer Photos - 2016

                                           13 Lined Ground Squirrel 

                                             13 Lined Ground Squirrel

                                                13 Lined Ground Squirrel


Greater Scaup - Bufflehead 

Greater Scaup

Northern Flicker

Northern Shovelers

Northern Shovelers - Blue Winged Teals 

Northern Shovelers - Blue Winged Teals 

Northern Shovelers Blue Winged Teals 

Northern Shovelers - Blue Winged Teals 

Northern Shovelers - Blue Winged Teals 

Northern Shovelers - Blue Winged Teals  - Green Winged Teal 

Redhead - Ring Necked Duck - Greater Scaup

Ring Necked Duck - Greater Scaup

Ring Necked Ducks - Buffleheads 

Ring Necked Ducks - Buffleheads 

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Assorted Photos - April 2016

                                           13 Lined Ground Squirrel

13 Lined Ground Squirrel

                                            13 Lined Ground Squirrel

American Wigeon

Blue Winged Teal

Brown Creeper



Chipping Sparrow 

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Greater Yellow Legs


Northern Flicker

Northern Shoveller-Canada Geese 

Pied Billed Grebe

Purple Finch

Ruby Crowned Kinglet 

Swamp Sparrow