Friday, 5 May 2017

Bird Photos - Week of 1 May 2017

Migration heating up. Saw lots of birds but didn't get photos of them all.

Bald Eagles
Second year we have seen a pair at
Fort Whyte. They were a long ways off. I took about 40 photos of them and this is probably the best of the lot.

Belted Kingfisher

Blue Jay

Blue Winged Teals

Blue Winged Teals



Canada Goose guarding the nest.
A pair have nested within a few feet of the walkway for the last few years. This year they are on the opposite side of the walk. The male made quite a fuss as we approached but settled down as soon as we passed although we stopped at the end of the walk maybe 10 feet from the nest.

The nest.
It is maybe one step from the walkway. There are several picnic tables about 20 feet from the nest. The nest is located in a garden with quite a bit of foot traffic passing and noisy excited kids being pretty common close by most days.

Another nest. I was taking photos of another bird when I noticed this one maybe 15 feet away. Another unusual location as it is quite close to a dock, a couple of walkways and a trail. There is also a shelter close by that is used by groups of school children on outings.

Common Grackle

Dark Eyed Junco

Eastern Phoebe

One of the lakes at Fort Whyte



Glass Insulator
Attached to one of the new hydro poles laying in the ditch by the pond we frequent. 

Changing to breeding colors

Hooded Merganser
Waving hello

Northern Shovelers

Northern Shovelers

Northern Shovelers

Painted Turtles
The shiny one just appeared from under the water as I was taking photos. 

Red Winged Blackbird

Ring Billed Gull

Sunning itself. Only got one not so good photo before it took off.

Saw this one fighting with this worm. The struggle went on for a few minutes before it succeeded in pulling the worm from the ground. 

Song Sparrow


Swamp Sparrow

Tree Swallows
Was trying to catch them as they all flew up and chest bumped each other. I was not successful.

Tree Swallow
Have been trying for a few years to catch one as they dip into the water. This is the closest I've come to success.

Tree Swallow after a dip.

Wood Duck

Yellow Rumped Warbler

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