Saturday, 21 October 2017

Fort Whyte Alive - 19 Oct 2017

Belted Kingfisher
The only time I was able to get a photo of one this year. Was a little distant and lighting was not the best.

Bird Houses Fall

Cat Tails - Backlit

Cackling Geese
The wooden chutes in the left of the photo are part of a toboggan run.

Cackling Geese

Cackling Geese

Canada Geese - Cackling Geese
Fort Whyte puts up signs and rope barriers at several spots during Spring and Fall migration.

Canada Goose
Seems to have an injured wing

Chickadee, Black Capped

Chickadee, Black Capped
A fluke. Chickadee took off as I was about to take its photo. I did manage to get the twig in focus.

Chickadee, Black Capped

Dark Eyed Junco

Canada Geese - Cackling Geese

Greater Yellowlegs
A surprise for me. Just happened to look up and spotted it. As soon as it noticed that I was watching it it ran off.

I took a ridiculous number of Mallard photos.




Not certain what kind. Smaller than a Mallard. Possibly a Blue Winged Teal juvenile or a very young Mallard.


A little ways out of its range. Don't see them too often this far South.



I think this is Wild Wheat 

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