Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Bird Photos - May 22 2012

Harder to see the birds now that the trees and brush are in full leaf, we can hear lots of birds but don't see to many, and most sightings are to brief to identify the birds.
Camera lens started to act up when I was trying to get pictures of a number of different birds flying in and out of a dead tree in the river. The lens started to make a very disturbing grinding noise and all the pictures taken while it was doing this were very blurry. Only did it for a few minutes and it has been fine since. Thankfully it has about 4 years left of the 6 year warranty.
 Bobolink near Morden Manitoba
 Grey Catbird - one of two that visit our feeders
 Grey Catbird - second of two that visit our feeders
 American Redstart Female - This was about the time my lens started acting up, male was present but photos didn't turn out
 American Redstart Female
 Deer at about 30 feet 
 Magnolia Warbler -  Immature I think
 Moth on bridge rail
 Rose Breasted Grosbeak
 Song Sparrow
 Eerie Tree - Looked a lot more eerie in the bush
Wilson's Warbler - Was quite blurry but fixed up a bit in PS elements -  This was the best photo I took when my lens was acting up

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