Friday, 15 April 2016

Birds - 13 April 2016

An evening at the pond.

Canada Geese

Canada Geese

What I think is an immature Golden Eagle at a distance,
Original photo

Crop of the suspected Golden Eagle

Green Winged Teals
Lifers for Rose and I
Not common to Manitoba

Mallard - Cackling Geese

Mallards - Cackling Geese


Mallards - Gadwall


Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier
Close encounter at about 30-40 feet
Missed a better opportunity at about 20 feet with it diving and banking, but, I couldn't get a focus lock.

Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier

Tundra Swans
There must have been hundreds in a pond we couldn't see about 1/4 of a mile away. We could hear them honking. When one large gaggle took flight we could hear their wings beating. Until this outing all the Tundra Swans departed to the South West. More than 90% of the Swans departed to the North on this outing.

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